Letter to My Younger Self

 Dear 9th Grade Deepie,

You’ll now be entering high school where things actually start to matter. Yes, academics are important as they have always been, but you need to start realizing there is more to life than school and your grades. You need to branch out and meet new people, join new clubs, and be more excited to be at school. High school is an experience that you only get to have one time and while it is never going to be perfect, you can try your best to make it some of the best times of your life. In four years, you will realize it went by so fast and wish you could do it all over again.

My first piece of advice would be to embrace the people around you. You’ll be walking into high school playing football as well as playing in the marching band. You start both of these activities in the summer before high school even starts, so take the time to meet new people here and embrace them.They'll be some of your best friends and lead you on some of the most fun and crazy adventures of  your time in high school.

School is important, but it doesn’t always have to be the most important aspect of your life. Don’t sacrifice social interactions with your friends and family just for the sake of studying for an extra few hours. Looking back now I would rather take a lower test grade than miss out on some of the experiences I missed out on. There is a very little difference between getting a 100% in a class or a 95% in a class. Both of these grades are equivalent to an A. There is nothing wrong with going for perfection, but you don’t always have to. Remember there are other important things in life to work towards.

Do what makes you happy. Don’t do something that you don’t want to do just to appease others. These years of high school are crucial years of your life and you don’t want to waste them doing something you don’t want to do.Never be embarrassed about what makes you happy.  Figure out what makes you happy and work toward those things. You’ll find people with shared interest and passions that’ll make the experiences much more enjoyable and memorable.

Lastly, I will give you an update on my life now. I am working on finishing the last few months of my senior year. While there have been some ups and downs, I am very happy with my life and my journey to get here.I will be going on spring break in a few days, and I will be making a decision on college soon and taking the next big step in my life.

Just remember, embrace the people around you, school is not always the most important thing, and do what makes you happy. These lessons I gave to you will make your high school journey one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences of your life.


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